The Algerian dinar is the official currency of Algeria. The code ISO is DZD and identified by the symbol DA. It is subdivided into 100 santeem. The name dinar is ultimately derived from the roman denarius.

Exchange rates are published daily. These rates are provided for indicative purposes only.

The foreign exchange reference rates are published by the European Central Bank.

Currency of Algeria

Currency Name: Algerian Dinar
Local name:دينار جزائري
Official user(s): Algeria, Western Sahara
Currency Symbol/Sign: د.ج or DA
ISO code: DZD
Central bank: Bank of Algeria
Subunit: 1 dinar = 100 santeem.
Banknotes: 100, 200, 500 and 1000 dinars.
Freq. used 5, 10, 20, 50 dinar
Rarely used 1, 2, 100 dinar.
Currency Peg: Yes (composite)
Black Market for Currency: Yes
Currency Volatility: High

Central Bank Rate

The current central bank interest rate is 4.00%. This is the same as 2011, which was 4.00%.

Currency Calculator

Exchange rates today: Saturday 1st of March 2025

Country Algerian Dinar Euro
Algerian Dinar, DZD 1 DZD = 0.0071 €
140.6 DZD = 1 €
20 DZD = 0.1422 €
50 DZD = 0.3556 €
100 DZD = 0.7112 €
500 DZD   = 3.5562 €
1000 DZD = 7.1124 €

The rates are set on the basis of the regular daily concertation procedure between national central banks, which normally takes place at 2.15 p.m. CET. The exchange rates are for reference only and are published daily when TARGET system is open.